Hello Yogis! Welcome to Lovenote March 19, 2017! Winter has returned in a big way in Vermont and we received over 2 feet of snow this past week in my area. It was a time of snowdays, shoveling and bundling up. Here is what the grill and picnic table look like! Quote of the week - Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. Anthony J. D’Angelo Pose of the week - Side Angle Pose - Utthita Parsvakonasana Stand with your feet wide apart on the mat. Turn your right foot out and your left foot in. Bend your right knee so that your knee is over your foot. Drop your right elbow onto your right knee. Raise your left hand diagonally over your head. Look up. Breathe in, exhale Breathe in, exhale Breathe in, exhale Now straighten back up to standing. Do the same thing on the left side. Gratitude of the week - This week I am grateful that I have a warm home to spend snowy days in and food to nourish ...
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