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Showing posts from March, 2017

March 19, 2017 Lovenote!

Hello Yogis!  Welcome to Lovenote March 19, 2017!   Winter has returned in a big way in Vermont and we received over 2 feet of snow this past week in my area.  It was a time of snowdays, shoveling and bundling up.  Here is what the grill and picnic table look like! Quote of the week - Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. Anthony J. D’Angelo Pose of the week  - Side Angle Pose - Utthita Parsvakonasana Stand with your feet wide apart on the mat. Turn your right foot out and your left foot in. Bend your right knee so that your knee is over your foot. Drop your right elbow onto your right knee. Raise your left hand diagonally over your head. Look up. Breathe in, exhale Breathe in, exhale Breathe in, exhale Now straighten back up to standing. Do the same thing on the left side. Gratitude of the week -   This week I am grateful that I have a warm home to spend snowy days in and food to nourish ...

March 11, 2017 Lovenote!

Hello Yogis!  Welcome to Lovenote March 11, 2017!   How is your week going?  The weather here in Vermont has taken a turn to the cold side.  I am happy to report that my trip to Boulder Colorado was a wonderful time and I enjoyed visiting with my son and hiking and adventuring in the area.  It is soooo very beautiful there. Here are a few pictures to give you a taste of “Big Sky Country”! Hiking in the Flatirons, Boulder Colorado Longs Peak is the high peak on the right. Hiking at Rabbit Mountain in Lyons, Colorado Quote of the week - I want to think again of dangerous and noble things. I want to be light and frolicsome. I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing, as though I had wings. ~ Mary Oliver Pose of the week  - Getting upside down! Handstand anyone??!! OK, so maybe you are thinking, “Jean, there is no way I can do a handstand!”  That is perfectly ok!   Do know that getting upside down (in any way ...

Feb 26, 2017 Lovenote

Hello Yogis!  Welcome to Lovenote Feb 26, 2017!   Wow, this has been a really full week leading up to a vacation week for me.  In the midst of winter, my job working in a school district gives me a winter break that has finally arrived.  I got home from work Friday and found myself in a tired and not so great mood.  After decompressing and talking it over with a friend, I am finding that I feel better but yowza was it time for a change of pace!   I am reveling in the thought of a reset and doing some different things for a little while.  I attended a yin yoga teacher training this weekend at  Laughing River Yoga  in Winooski, VT.  It is located on the Winooski River in the Chase Mill.  It is a lovely studio owned by Emily Garrett who taught the amazing workshop that I attended. Yin yoga is a slower paced practice where you come into poses and hold them for longer periods of time. I learned  a lot about the practice and am ...

Feb 19, 2017 Lovenote

Hello Yogis!  Welcome to Lovenote Feb 19, 2017!   Last week I was sharing a few things I do to get through the winter when the cold and darkness comes.  This week here in Vermont we had several snowstorms that left a nice blanket of snow which made the landscape look beautiful and made for some good snowshoeing and skiing in my neck of the woods. It was fun to hear from you  the things you  like to do to beat the winter blues. To beat the winter blues, I conquer the elements. Despite the rain, ice, snow, or freezing temperatures, I hit the trail. Whether it be a hike, ski, snowshoe, hill sprint, or walk, I brave the cold and moisture and get outside. The exercise combined with the fresh air and intermittent sunshine get my endorphins flowing and my spirits elevated. Just got back from spending 4 days with my Mom and sisters on Cape Cod. The Joy of family!!!! X-Country skiing I beat the winter blues through exercise.  I find the time ...