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Feb 19, 2017 Lovenote

Hello Yogis!  Welcome to Lovenote Feb 19, 2017!  
Last week I was sharing a few things I do to get through the winter when the cold and darkness comes.  This week here in Vermont we had several snowstorms that left a nice blanket of snow which made the landscape look beautiful and made for some good snowshoeing and skiing in my neck of the woods.
It was fun to hear from you the things you like to do to beat the winter blues.
  • To beat the winter blues, I conquer the elements. Despite the rain, ice, snow, or freezing temperatures, I hit the trail. Whether it be a hike, ski, snowshoe, hill sprint, or walk, I brave the cold and moisture and get outside. The exercise combined with the fresh air and intermittent sunshine get my endorphins flowing and my spirits elevated.
  • Just got back from spending 4 days with my Mom and sisters on Cape Cod. The Joy of family!!!!
  • X-Country skiing
  • I beat the winter blues through exercise.  I find the time to exercise every day, and even though some days starting can be hard, I never regret doing so.

Quote of the week
The time is always right to do what is right.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Pose of the week  -

Extended Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana

Stand Tall.
Place your feet hip distance apart.
Turn your right foot out and your left foot in.
Keeping your back long and extended, slide your right hand down your right leg or all the way to the ground.
Reach your left arm up to the sky.
Spread your fingers wide open and look up.
Breathe in.
Breath in.
Breath in.
Slowly come back up to standing.
Now let's do the other side.
Stand Tall.
Place your feet hip distance apart.
Turn your left foot out and your right foot in.
Keeping your back long and extended, slide your left hand down your left leg or all the way to the ground.
Reach your right arm up to the sky.
Spread your fingers wide open and look up.
Breathe in.
Breath in.
Breath in.

Gratitude of the week - 
This week I am grateful for my light therapy lamp.  While sitting at my desk each day I use my light therapy lamp for 30 minutes. When sitting in front of it, people sometimes stop and comment, “Wow that is a really bright light!”  To which I reply, “Yes, it is!!”.  These lights are help to boost your mood and the energy from it is designed to mimic  the effects of a sunny day.  I have found this helpful for me and feel that it does improve my spirits.  I am sure there are non-believers that argue against the scientific effectiveness of this light but for me, (even if it is just in my head!!)  I think it works and that is all that counts.  I have had several folks ask about them and end up trying them out and find they work for them too.  Sooooo, for what it is worth, there you go!

See you next week!

My wish for you today is health in your body, peace in your mind and love in your heart,

If you know anyone who may enjoy these weekly notes, please share with them.