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Fall into Yoga!

Happy Fall to my Yogini and Yogi friends!
This is the season of change when we start to pull out the sweaters and watch the color show on the trees.  The fall is a bittersweet time for me because I have such a love for the summer.  It is always a little melancholy for me to see those dog days of summer slip away for another year.  I have been countering those feelings by staying outdoors more.  I am preparing for the Leaf Peeper 5K running race so just going out for a run always makes me feel good. There are still peppers, parsley, brussel sprouts, and kale in the garden that need picking.   I also am really enjoying how tasty the apples are this year.  Yum!

In addition to these things, I always, always, always come back to yoga.  This summer was a wonderful yoga filled time with festivals and outdoor classes.  More recently I have started back to my teaching indoors again at The Edge in Williston, VT and an afternoon series in Jericho, VT.  Cat Earisman and I will be teaming up for a workshop in October at the Richmond Free Library as well.  Please see below for the schedule.

Pose  of the Month
Bakasana –  Crow pose is an arm balance which strengthens your arms and wrists.  It lengthens your upper back and builds core muscles.  There are many steps along the way to the full version of the pose.  I like to encourage people new to arm balances to try this pose because you are not too far from the ground.  If you fall you don't have far to land! It gives you similar benefits to other more challenging arm balance poses.  Sometimes you may find that you tumble forward or can’t get your feet up.  That is OK.  Just keep practicing.  With this pose, you can’t get around it, you have to get through it.  Just take a breath and let strong feelings guide your movements with grace and ease.

Start by coming down into a squat and drop your arms between your legs.  Place your palms flat on the floor and then squeeze your knees towards your armpits.  Begin to roll forward and lift up onto your toes.  Try rolling back and forth this way a few times, shifting your weight forward and back.  When you feel ready, roll forward and lift up one foot and then the other off the floor.  Pull your belly in and straighten your back and look ahead with your eye.  Try to hold this pose for at least 3 rounds of breath.

As always, my wish to you is for health, peace and love,  Jean

Jean’s Yoga Schedule:

Sunday Oct 21, 2012 -  9 am – 12:30 pm at the Richmond Free Library Jean Campbell and Cat Earisman are teaming up for Feed the Fire & Calm the Storm workshop.  Space is limited and signup is required.  For more information please go to:

Tuesdays 6 – 7 am at the Edge in Williston Vinyasa Flow class 

Wednesdays 4 – 5:15 pm at MMUHS in Jericho, VT 
To signup for this class please go to:!classes