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Showing posts from November, 2010

Letting the universe do it's magic

Listening when the universe speaks I have been practicing meditation on a regular basis since the middle of  August.  There has always been a moving meditation as part of my regular yoga practice but this is a formal, sit down and meditate for 15 minutes a day kind of thing.  I started with some recorded meditations of various types.  Some focused on a mantra, a word that has meaning or rhythm, others have been focused on the breath, and yet others are to set intentions for your day.  By far the most powerful for me has been just trying to keep my mind still for however short and just listen.  Sometimes, I ask a question up front and then just listen.  I am becoming more and more amazed at how the answers just magically come. Simplicity is rocking awesome!  Peace and Light as we enter these days of darkness!  

Attitude of Gratitude

To all my yoga friends in this world, I am so grateful to have you in my life and practice yoga with you. I hope your Thanksgiving is full of adventure, deliciousness, and connection. Namaste,  Jean

Winter Classes

Community classes starting in January at Mt. Mansfield Union HS! Yoga for All on Thursdays from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Jan 6, 13, 20, 27 and Feb 6, 13, 20  Cost will be $75 for the 7 week series.   Mark your calendars!  There will be other great class offerings too!   To sign up, click here to go the the MMU After Dark Webpage.                                         Construction Update! The walls are going up on the new garage/yoga space we are building starting next week.  It is so fun to watch this project coming to life!  Here are the trusses for the roof getting unloaded! I have been dreaming about the sweet yoga stuff we can do there next spring/summer!  Peaceful wishes in this month of many reasons to be grateful!  Namaste!